Transforming Jobs in the Age of AI
文 / 喬盧克巴恩斯 譯 / 周曉玲
By Joe Luc Barnes
The future of labor in a digital economy has become a heated topicalongside the emergence of artificialintelligence (AI). Will the proliferationof AI and robotics herald human redundancy as a working species?
自人工智能(AI)出現(xiàn)以來, 數(shù)字經(jīng)濟時代勞動力的未來已成為一個熱門話題。AI 和機器人技術的廣泛使用,是否預示著作為工作物種的人類將會變得多余?
This prospect has inspired pessimismin many Western countries that is notshared by most Chinese. Indeed, according to a survey compiled by theDentsuAegis Network1, just 18 percent of Britishand German citizens feel that new digitaltechnologies will create job opportunitiesover the next five to ten years. In China, acountry with a labor force of around 800million, 65 percent of people believe thatAI will create even more work.
眾多西方國家對此現(xiàn)象憂心忡忡,而大部分中國人卻不然。的確,根據(jù)電通安吉斯集團的一項調查,只有 18% 的英國和德國公民認為新數(shù)字科技會在今后的 5 到 10 年創(chuàng)造出新的工作崗位。在擁有約8 億勞動力人口的中國,則有65% 的人相信 AI 會創(chuàng)造出更多工作機會。
1 電通安吉斯集團屬于電通集團(Dentsu Group,日本的廣告與傳播集團),提供高水準的媒體、數(shù)字和創(chuàng)意傳播服務。
Government backing
A major factor is that few governments are empacing the digital agewith as much gusto as China. In July2017, China’s State Council set a national goal of becoming the world’s primary AI innovation center, aiming to foster an AI industry that produces in excess of one trillion yuan (US$147.7 billion) by 2030.
一個重要原因是,少有他國政府如中國一般熱情擁抱數(shù)字時代。2017 年 7 月,中國國務院確立了國家發(fā)展目標,要爭取成為世界主要人工智能創(chuàng)新中心,到 2030 年形成總值超一萬億元人民幣(1477 億美元)的 AI 產(chǎn)業(yè)。
Such enthusiasm has seeped rightdown to the municipal level, with localgovernments especially keen to supportstartups in the sector.
這種熱情已滲透至市政層面,地方政府尤其重視扶持 AI 初創(chuàng)企業(yè)。
“The business environment in Chinaand especially Shanghai is very attractive,” says Ste phane Truong, founderof Actionable Data, an AI consultancyservice company. “I have seen a lot ofinitiative from several city districts suchas collaboration withincubators2 topropose ancillary services, organizingcompetition for financial subsidies andproviding a flexible fiscal policy.”
“中國,尤其是上海的營商環(huán)境極具吸引力,”AI 咨詢服務公司安潮信息科技創(chuàng)始人斯特凡張說,“上海市幾個區(qū)政府積極推出了多項舉措,比如與創(chuàng)業(yè)孵化中心合作提供相關服務,組織企業(yè)爭取財政補貼,以及提供靈活的財政政策。”
2 incubator 企業(yè)孵化中心,也稱企業(yè)孵化器或高新技術創(chuàng)業(yè)服務中心,是一種新型的社會經(jīng)濟組織,通過提供研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、經(jīng)營的場地,通信、網(wǎng)絡與辦公等方面的共享設施,系統(tǒng)的培訓和咨詢,政策、融資、法律和市場推廣等方面的支持,降低企業(yè)的創(chuàng)業(yè)風險和創(chuàng)業(yè)成本,提高企業(yè)的成活率和成功率。
But Beijing has perhaps created themost fertile environment for tech startups. The capital’s Zhongguancun area isknown as China’s “Silicon Valley” dueto concentration of tech startups basedthere. Its proximity to China’s two premier academic institutions, Peking andTsinghua universities, makes it a happyhunting ground for new talent.
Disappearing jobs
One startup is Oriental iFly, whichaims to use AI to create an automatic grading system for essays that provides instant feedback to teachers on students’ work and saves time spent marking.
東方訊飛教育科技有限公司正是這樣一個初創(chuàng)企業(yè)。它致力于利用 AI 技術建構作文自動評分體系,并即時向教師提供反饋,節(jié)省教師批改作業(yè)的時間。
I asked one of the company’s productdesigners, Kailin Xie, whether this innovation might put teachers out of work.
“Teachers aren’t hired to grade,” sheasserts. “As long as there are students,teachers will be necessary. Grading isjust an extraneous part of the job. Ourproduct enables a teacher to save dozensof hours a week on marking essays.”
“老師的職責不是批改作業(yè),” 她說,“ 只要還有學生,教師就必不可少。批改作業(yè)并非一定要由教師來做。我們的產(chǎn)品能使老師每周節(jié)約幾十小時批改學生作文的時間。”
Is a school likely to pay those teachers the same for less work? Or will itinstead use those extra hours to givethem more classes, which would reducepersonnel requirements?
Such questions could be some ofthe defining issues of the digital age.Should companies use AI to increaseproductivity and profits, or do they alsohave a duty to improve the day-to-dayroutine of their employees?
在數(shù)字時代,以上這類問題可能非常關鍵。公司應否使用 AI 來提高生產(chǎn)效率和利潤?是否也有義務優(yōu)化員工的日常工作?
Business optimism
Much of the tech community has adopted the belief that these problems willsimply sort themselves out. This is certainly the attitude of Stuart Leitch, founder of, a Seattle and Shanghai-based software company that uses AIto improve customerengagement3with online products. “Firms have a very bad habit of hiring for unnecessary positions. The employees aren’t bad, but their duties usually involve repetitive, painless and low-value work.”
大部分科技行業(yè)從業(yè)人士相信,隨著時間推移,這些問題自然會迎刃而解。Lollipop.ai公司創(chuàng)始人斯圖爾特利奇顯然也持這種態(tài)度。這是一家總部位于西雅圖和上海的軟件公司,利用 AI 技術提升在線產(chǎn)品的顧客契合度。“許多公司存在一種積弊,即為不必要的崗位招聘。雖然招來的員工素質并不差,但他們往往從事著 重復性、無須動腦、低價值的工作。”
3 customer engagement 顧客契合,是一種心理狀態(tài),它是由在核心服務關系中與核心機構 / 客體(如品牌)互動、共創(chuàng)顧客體驗產(chǎn)生的,在共創(chuàng)價值的服務關系中以一種動態(tài)的、重復性的過程存在。
“We want to release people fromthose positions and reduce the cost ofthat kind of work so those people cando more meaningful things. At the endof the day, we expect to create jobsacross industries rather than put peopleout of work,” explains Leitch.
But what of the manufacturing jobsthat have served as the backbone ofChina’s economic growth? Many arelikely to go, admits Denny Xu, vicepresident of the Shanghai Haihe ITCompany, which produces intelligentspeech robots.
“AI will change future employmenttrends and patterns,” he explains. “Now,the labor force is too costly, so lower-level labor will largely be replaced byAI-related technology. But humanswon’t be completely unnecessaryhuman-machine coupling will becomea future trend for enterprises and busi-nesses.”
“AI 會改變未來的雇用趨勢和模式,”他解釋道,“當下勞動力太昂貴,因此低層次勞動力很大程度上會被 AI 相關技術所取代。不過人類并非完全多余人機融合將會成為企業(yè)的未來趨勢。”
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