<template> <div> <el-form :model="ruleForm2" :rules="rules2" status-icon ref="ruleForm2" label-position="left" label-width="0px" class="demo-ruleForm login-page"> <h3>登錄平臺(tái)</h3> <el-form-item prop="username"> <el-input type="text" v-model="ruleForm2.username" auto-complete="off" placeholder="用戶名"></el-input> </el-form-item> <el-form-item prop="password"> <el-input type="password" v-model="ruleForm2.password" auto-complete="off" placeholder="密碼"></el-input> </el-form-item> <el-form-item style="width:100%;"> <el-button type="primary" style="width:100%;" @click="handleSubmit" :loading="logining">登錄</el-button> </el-form-item> <el-form-item > <el-checkbox v-model="checked" >記住密碼</el-checkbox> <el-button type="text" @click="forgetpassword">忘記密碼</el-button> </el-form-item> </el-form> </div> </template> <script> import { requestLogin } from "../api/api"; export default { data() { return { logining: false, ruleForm2: { }, rules2: { account: [ { required: true, message: "請輸入賬號", trigger: "blur" }, ], checkPass: [ { required: true, message: "請輸入密碼", trigger: "blur" }, ] }, checked: true }; }, methods: { handleReset2() { this.$refs.ruleForm2.resetFields(); }, handleSubmit(ev) { this.$refs.ruleForm2.validate((valid) => { if (valid) { this.logining = true; var loginParams = { username: this.ruleForm2.username, password: this.ruleForm2.password, identifycode: this.ruleForm2.identifycode }; requestLogin(loginParams).then(data => { this.logining = false; let { msg, code, user } = data; if (code !== 200) { this.$message({ message: msg, type: "error" }); } else { if (user.type === "admin"){ sessionStorage.setItem("user", JSON.stringify(user)); this.$router.push({ path: "/homepage" }); } else if (user.type === "advert") { sessionStorage.setItem("user", JSON.stringify(user)); this.$router.push({ path: "/table" }); } } }); } else { console.log("error submit!!"); return false; } }); }, forgetpassword(){ this.$alert("請聯(lián)系管理員找回密碼,管理員電話:131xxxxxxxx", "提示", { confirmButtonText: "確定", type: "warning" }) } } } </script> <style scoped> label.el-checkbox.rememberme { margin: 0px 0px 15px; text-align: left; } label.el-button.forget { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; outline: none; } </style>
<template> <el-row> <el-col :span="24"> <el-col :span="18" > {{sysName}} </el-col> <el-col :span="4"> <el-dropdown trigger="hover"> <span class="el-dropdown-link userinfo-inner"><img :src="this.sysUserAvatar" /> {{sysUserName}}</span> <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown"> <el-dropdown-item>我的消息</el-dropdown-item> <el-dropdown-item>設(shè)置</el-dropdown-item> <el-dropdown-item @click.native="logout">退出登錄</el-dropdown-item> </el-dropdown-menu> </el-dropdown> </el-col> </el-col> <el-col :span="24"> <aside> <el-menu :default-active="$route.path" class="el-menu el-menu-vertical-demo" @select="handleselect" unique-opened router > <template v-for="(item,index) in $router.options.routes" v-if="!item.hidden"> <el-submenu :index="index+""" v-if="!item.leaf"> <template slot="title"><i :class="item.iconCls"></i>{{item.name}}</template> <el-menu-item v-for="child in item.children" :index="child.path" :key="child.path" v-if="!child.hidden">{{child.name}}</el-menu-item> </el-submenu> <el-menu-item v-if="item.leaf&&item.children.length>0" :index="item.children[0].path"><i :class="item.iconCls"></i>{{item.children[0].name}}</el-menu-item> </template> </el-menu> </aside> <section> <div class="grid-content bg-purple-light"> <el-col :span="24"> <strong>{{$route.name}}</strong> </el-col> <el-col :span="24"> <transition name="fade" mode="out-in"> <router-view></router-view> </transition> </el-col> </div> </section> </el-col> </el-row> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { sysName:"xxx管理平臺(tái)", sysUserName: "", sysUserAvatar: "", form: { name: "", region: "", date1: "", date2: "", delivery: false, type: [], resource: "", desc: "" } } }, methods: { //退出登錄 logout: function () { var _this = this; this.$confirm("確認(rèn)退出嗎?", "提示", { //type: "warning" }).then(() => { sessionStorage.removeItem("user"); _this.$router.push("/login"); }).catch(() => { }); } }, mounted() { var user = sessionStorage.getItem("user"); if (user) { user = JSON.parse(user); this.sysUserName = user.name || ""; this.sysUserAvatar = user.avatar || ""; } } } </script> <style scoped> @import "../style/vars.scss"; .container { position: absolute; top: 0px; bottom: 0px; width: 100%; } .header { height: 60px; line-height: 60px; background: $color-primary; color:#fff; .userinfo { text-align: right; padding-right: 35px; float: right; .userinfo-inner { cursor: pointer; color:#fff; img { width: 40px; height: 40px; border-radius: 20px; margin: 10px 0px 10px 10px; float: right; } } } .logo { height:60px; font-size: 22px; padding-left:20px; img { width: 40px; float: left; margin: 10px 10px 10px 0px; } .txt { color:#fff; } } .logo-width{ width:230px; } .logo-collapse-width{ width:60px } .title{ font-size: 22px; padding-left:20px; line-height: 60px; color:#fff; } } .main { display: flex; position: absolute; top: 60px; bottom: 0px; overflow: hidden; aside { flex:0 0 230px; width: 230px; .el-menu{ height: 100%; /* width: 34%; */ } } .content-container { flex:1; /* overflow-y: scroll; */ padding: 20px; .breadcrumb-container { .title { width: 200px; float: left; color: #475669; } .breadcrumb-inner { float: right; } } .content-wrapper { background-color: #fff; box-sizing: border-box; } } } </style>
<template> <p> homepage</p> </template>
import Login from "./views/Login.vue" import Home from "./views/Home.vue" import Homepage from "./views/list/homepage.vue" import Table from "./views/list/Table.vue" let routes = [ { path: "/login", component: Login, name: "", hidden: true }, { path: "/", component: Home, name: "", leaf: true,//只有一個(gè)節(jié)點(diǎn) iconCls: "el-icon-menu", //圖標(biāo)樣式class children: [ { path: "/homepage", component: Homepage, name: "首頁" }, ] }, { path: "/", component: Home, name: "菜單", // leaf: true,//只有一個(gè)節(jié)點(diǎn) iconCls: "el-icon-message", //圖標(biāo)樣式class children: [ { path: "/table", component: Table, name: "子菜單01" } ] } ]; export default routes;
// The Vue build version to load with the `import` command // (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias. import Vue from "vue" import App from "./App" import VueRouter from "vue-router" import routes from "./routes" import Vuex from "vuex" import store from "./vuex/store" import ElementUI from "element-ui" import "element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css" import Mock from "./mock" Mock.bootstrap(); import "./style/login.css" /* Vue.use(VueAxios, axios) */ Vue.use(ElementUI) Vue.use(VueRouter) Vue.use(Vuex) Vue.config.productionTip = false const router = new VueRouter({ routes }) router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { //NProgress.start(); if (to.path == "/login") { sessionStorage.removeItem("user"); } let user = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("user")); if (!user && to.path != "/login") { next({ path: "/login" }) } else { next() } }) new Vue({ router, store, render: h => h(App) }).$mount("#app")
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